Prove It!
The two greatest words in the English language.
The scientific basis is like no other; conscious awareness is unnecessary to detect and react reflexively to a threat.
Certain human and environmental cues and clusters will evoke faster reactions and responses than conscious awareness.
Factors of the unconscious mind coupled with electrochemical neurotransmitters are the innate, intuitive, preprogrammed human survival and defense responses to external threat stimuli.
Here are a few of the studies conducted on HBPR&A
Please contact us if you would like more information or technical reports.

Border Hunter Research Technical Report
“Participants’ degradation of knowledge was very slight, failing to reach significance between the end of the course and two months later. This suggests that the participants were effectively retaining their Border Hunter knowledge after the course.
Taken together, these results suggests that the Combat/Border Hunter skill set is operationally relevant, has utility, and can be retained.”

Combat Observation and Decision-Making in Irregular and Ambiguous Conflicts
“Greg Williams is a transformational character, who adapted his skills and abilities to defeat insurgents on the battlefields of Asia. As a trainer and practitioner of the art and science of profiling, Greg found meaning around him. He adapted his skills as a detective to the requirements of today’s infantryman.”

Evaluation of Advanced Situational Awareness Training Pilot Program
“The ASAT curriculum trains students to cognitively evaluate highly complex environments and emphasizes interpretation of nonverbal behaviors as a means to increase situational awareness. All three measurement methods provided evidence that exposure to ASAT training increased Soldiers’ ability to develop situational awareness through interpretation of nonverbal behavior.”

Limited Objective Evaluation of Combat Profiling for Small Units
“For several reasons, Combat Profiling represents a very unique form of training from a psychological perspective. On the one hand, the course takes a very behavioral orientation towards profiling, where the behavior of people, events, and vehicles is the primary target of observation. This is in contrast to such aspects as cognition (what people might be thinking), culture, and language. The key assumption – that all people, including insurgents, behave consistently – allows small units to make observations from afar and construct reliable, valid baselines from which subsequent deviations can be detected.”

Using Behavioral Measures to Assess Counter-Terrorism Training in the Field
“Evidence was present in all three types of measures to indicate that behavioral pattern recognition and analysis skills were successfully acquired by most students (a mix of Army and civilian law enforcement personnel). The paper describes both the types of skills acquired and the statistical evidence that supports their acquisition over the course of field training. Implications for broader training of these critical skills are also discussed.”